Wednesday 29 May 2013

Free 30 minutes Internet Malaysia

BRIDGING DIGITAL GAP: Initiative only for households earning less than RM3,000 a month

The poor in rural and urban areas from households earning less than RM3,000 a month will enjoy free Internet for the first 30 minutes of use every day.   The initiative is expected to start next month.

In announcing this yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said those registered under the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) assistance scheme would be among those to enjoy the benefit in a move spearheaded by the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry.

"We are providing free Internet for the poor in villages and towns, for the first half hour (of use)," Najib told some 1,500 Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) staff at a gathering with the prime minister at its headquarters here yesterday.

Describing it as a community-centric initiative that would be expanded to include more Malaysians, Najib said this would contribute to the country's growing digital penetration.

The ministry, with the help of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, will rope in all telecommunication providers for the effort.

Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the initiative would target households earning less than RM3,000.

"We will use the database for BR1M recipients as a starting point to select those who qualify for the initiative."

He said the ministry would finalise the mechanism of the initiative by next week, and determine whether it would include subscribers of broadband, high-speed broadband and fibre optic Internet services.

"We will involve Sabah, Sarawak and the peninsula when carrying out this effort. As many communicate via the Internet for an average of 15 minutes to half an hour, the announcement by the prime minister on this matter will benefit many."

"May Telekom Malaysia continue with its success as a premier telecommunications company," Najib said.

The prime minister also praised TM for exceeding various targets, including setting up more than 1.37 million premises in the country with high-speed broadband.Malaysia has among the highest number of users of the service in the region.The prime minister's speech was also heard by TM staff in various locations nationwide who joined the event via live online streaming.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak getting a warm welcome from Telekom Malaysia Bhd staff during a the ‘Majlis Ramah Mesra Warga TM Bersama Perdana Menteri’ gathering at its headquarters 19 March 2013

Sunday 26 May 2013

Nasi goreang All in One Planta CATS FM

Nasi goreang All in One Planta

1 Pingan  Nasi(Sejuk)
2-3 sudu planta
1 biji bawang merah - dihiris halus
2 ulas bawang putih - dihiris halus
2 biji bunga lawang
1 batang kayu manis
3 Btg Sosej di cincang halus
1 Biji Telur
1 cawan Mix vege

1) Masukkan planta ke dalam periuk nasi (Letak di atas dapur gas).
2) Tumis bunga lawang & kayu manis bersama bawang merah dan bawang putih hingga naik bau kemudian   masukan sosej    cincang dan 1 biji telurdan mix vege kemudian masukan sedikit serbuk cukup rasa.
3) Masukkan Nasi dan gaul sehingga sekata.Tutup api dapur.
4) Kemudian taburkan kismis & bawang goreng ke dalam nasi.
5) Hidang nasi bersama lauk pilihan anda.


Steady Pagi tok My voice On Air kat Cats FM....

Saturday 25 May 2013

Old Mas Station

Hari Telekom Se- Dunia Di sambut Oleh Kakitangan TM Limbang

Hari ini diraikan pada 17 Mei setiap tahun diseluruh dunia yang menandakan penubuhan Kesatuan Telekomunikasi Sedunia (ITU) pada 1865. Kemajuan bidang ini bermula pada tahun 1837 apabila Samuel Morse mencipta telegraf dan hinggalah Alexander Graham Bell mempaten sistem telefon pada tahun 1876.

Sejarah Kemajuan di Malaysia: Jan 1996 MEASAT-1 dilancarkan, 1996 MEASAT-2 dan 2006 MEASAT-3. Pelan tindakan khas strategi Informasi, Komunikasi Dan Perkhidmatan Multimedia Malaysia (MyICM886) ditubuhkan pada 2006 , perancangan hingga 2020 bagi mencapai okjektif Malaysia menuju negara berasaskan teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat (ICT) menjelang 2020. Bagi menyediakan segala kemudahan Kementerian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi (KTAK) dan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) dipertangungjawabkan untuk menyediakan pelan tindakan. Ia melibatkan komputer berdigit, spektrum generasi ketiga (3G), TV mudah alih, TV protokol Internet (IPTV), suara atas protokol internet (VoIP) dan peruntukan perkhidmatan universal (USP).

17 May 2013 TM Limbang Menyambut Hari Telekom Pringkat Dunia