Tuesday 20 November 2012

Sejarah Teknologi Telekumunikasi Di Malaysia

Sejarah Teknologi Telekumunikasi Di Malaysia

Sekarang 2012 dan 2013 akan datang bersama, Di malaysia dunia telekomunikasi moden sudah bermula pada dua dekad yang lepas, dan hampir tidak terasa sudah 100 tahun ia berevolusi. TM atau Telekom Malaysia Berhad Merupakan pemancu untama dalam menyediakan kemudahan komunikasi di malaysia dan merupakan  bapa Komunikasi kepada kita.Pada tahun1800an,Pengenalan telefon di perkenalkan di Perak pada tahun 1874 dan memudahkan pihak britsh berhubung dengan kerajan pemerintah di England.

Dan pada 1882 Perak dan Pulau Pinang dihubungkan dengan telefon melalui kabel dasar laut dan pertama di malaysia.1891 Ibu sawat telefon pertama dilancarkan di Kuala Lumpur,pada tahun1894 Sebuah kabel dasar laut menghubungkan Labuan dengan Singapura dan Hong Kong. Di bawah ini merupakan garis masa percapaian TM Di Malaysia


1900 Perkhidmatan telefon magneto pertama diperkenalkan di Kudat, Jesselton (Kota Kinabalu) dan Sandakan.

1908 Perkhidmatan pos dan telegraf diperbadankan

1926 Kemunculan komunikasi radio di negara ini

1946 Penubuhan Jabatan Telekomunikasi di Malaya

1962 Pengenalan kepada Pendailan Pelanggan Jarak Jauh (STD) antara Kuala Lumpur dan Singapura melalui sambungan gelombang mikro jarak jauh pertama.

1963 Peluasan rangkaian gelombang mikro seluruh Malaysia. Pelancaran perkhidmatan televisyen di Semenanjung Malaysia.

1968 Jabatan Telekomunikasi Sabah dan Sarawak serta Semenanjung Malaysia bergabung membentuk Jabatan Telekomunikasi Malaysia atau lebih dikenali sebagai JTM.

1970 Stesen satelit bumi pertama bertaraf antarabangsa dilancarkan di Kuantan, menandakan kemunculan siaran secara langsung di Malaysia.

1975 Penubuhan Ibu sawat Teleks Automatik

1979 Pengenalan kemudahan Dail Terus Antarabangsa (IDD)

1980 Malaysia melancarkan kabel dasar lautnya sendiri yang menghubungkan Kuantan dan Kuching.

1982 Pengenalan Telefaks dan Perkhidmatan Maritim Antarabangsa.

1983 Pengenalan komunikasi data

1984 Pengenalan teknologi suis paket yang mendorong pembentukan rangkaian data awam Malaysia

1985 Pemasangan perkhidmatan ATUR menggunakan teknologi radio selular analog 450 yang pertama di Asia. Sistem Radio Berbilang Akses diperkenalkan, menyediakan perkhidmatan akses telefon yang lebih
mudah kepada pelanggan di kawasan pedalaman 1987 Jabatan Telekom Malaysia (JTM) diswastakan menjadi Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Berhad (STMB), entiti swasta yang pertama di negara ini

1988 Pengenalan Perkhidmatan Perniagaan INTELSAT digital

1989 Pengenalan perkhidmatan bebas tol 800

1990 • Pengenalan khidmat bebas tol antarabangsa dan kadfon prabayar (Kadfon).Penyenaraian STMB di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad dan pengenalan logo baru TM.

1991 • Penjenamaan semula Syarikat kepada Telekom Malaysia

Pengenalan Malaysia Direct dan Home Country Direct

1992 Pengenalan Persidangan Video dan CENTREX

1993 Pengenalan perkhidmatan ISDN

1996 Pengenalan perkhidmatan selular TMTOUCH digital dan menguna frekunsi 1800 MHz

1997 Pengenalan (Corporate Information Superhighway (COINS)), penyelesaian perniagaan canggih berkeupayaan tinggi Telekom Malaysia.


Pelancaran Bluehyppo.com, portal Internet gaya hidup Telekom Malaysia, yang mencatat lebih daripada 290 juta carian setahun. Pengenalan perkhidmatan jalur lebar.Telekom Malaysia menjadi rakan kongsi penting dalam pelancaran kabel dasar laut canggih Rangkaian Kabel Asia Pasifik 2 (APCN2). Penubuhan TM Net sebagai Pembekal Perkhidmatan Internet terbesar di rantau Asia Tenggara. Pelancaran perkhidmatan telefoni tetap tanpa wayar CDMA

Penganugerahan spektrum 3G kepada Telekom Malaysia


Penggabungan di antara Celcom dan TMTOUCH membentuk operator selular terbesar di Malaysia


Penstrukturan semula TM TelCo kepada dua Unit Perniagaan Strategik (SBUs) – TM Borong (TM
Wholesale) dan TM Runcit (TM Retail)


  • Telekom Malaysia melaksanakan penjenamaan semula dan TM telah diambil sebagai jenama baru
  •  Pelancaran Perkhidmatan 3G – pertama di Malaysia
  • Pemerolehan kepentingan 27.3% dalam PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk, Indonesia


  • TM membentuk satu pakatan strategik dengan Vodafone dan menjadi Rakan Rangkaian Vodafone yang mempunyai jangkauan global lebih 179 juta pelanggan di seluruh dunia
  • Pelaksanaan penstrukturan semula fasa kedua TM menyaksikan terbentuknya 4 entiti perniagaan utama – Malaysia Business, Celcom, TM International dan TM Ventures
  • XL, subsidiari TM di Indonesia memperoleh lesen 3G, sementara Dialog, subsidiari TM di Sri Lanka melancarkan perkhidmatan 3G pertama di Asia Selatan
  • Pemerolehan 49.0% dalam baki Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Company Limited, (dahulu dikenali sebagai Cambodia Samart Communications Ltd), Kemboja dan 49.0% kepentingan dalam Spice Communications Private Limited di India

Wow beritu banyak kerjaya TM bukan hanya di malaysia tertapi diperingkat antarabangsa.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Blog Software For All Your Blogging Needs

Blog Software For All Your Blogging Needs

Today anyone who has writing ability or is dreaming to be a writer has written a blog in the net. There are blog soft wares that are simple and easy to use and a technically inclined and challenged individuals can easily acquire a blog online. 

For some individuals, blogs are their projects of every day living, as they talk about their daily episodes as well as make tribute to friends and family. Furthermore, blogs assume a profound meaning written to compose and assemble political statements, endorse a product, supply information on research, and even offer tutorials. Any subject that are of your interests, you can be sure that someone has written a blog about it.

Blogs are now being written by musicians, politicians, sports figures, novelists, newscasters as well as other known figures. It is this blog fever that has raised controversy. The fact that anyone can compose and regarding any subject matter under the sun, complaints about certain write-ups are an issue. In a lot of blogs, names are being mentioned; do bear in mind that although you are entitled to write anything that interests you in a blog, you have to be very careful and take in a lot of responsibility. Do not make any statements which can become controversial; or else, be very prepared.

Why a Blog?

1. For personal acquaintances, relationships and hobby. A person can write a blog about his daily activities, what’s going on with his life as his way of telling his family and friends the things that goes on in his life. Likewise, one may also write a blog just so he can express what he feels about himself, or about a certain subject matter that is of interest to him.

2. Topical. Some blogs are committed to a precise topic, like computer hardware or politics. These are frequently read like magazines. 

3. For marketing.  Corporations are too, into blogging; when well written and implemented, this kind of blog can be a powerful instrument for business communications, forming eagerness and anticipation regarding their products and services offered, or used as tool within the company, keeping employees well informed about company issues and news.

Why someone else's software?

A lot of Web designer and creators will laugh at the belief and idea of utilizing the software of someone else. This is can be correct especially when each software greatly differs from the particular requirements that a client may have. Yet on the other hand, when it refers to a Weblog software, there is no reason for apprehension in the use of a package that is pre-written, as most packages were developed through years of study; not just knocked together over a couple of days.

In addition, one may study its feature set. For a developer, it would take a lot of time and effort to write and compose from “nothing at all” every single feature in the Weblog software packages of today. For most people, a blog is there for the main reason that chooses to publish or make known your literature and texts on the Web, so you want to spend your time more on writing than coding.

Hosted Services

If one wishes to start broadcasting on the Web, yet does not have web hosting, one can consider looking into a hosted service, which includes Blogger, TypePad, Live Journal, and more. 

These services are operated or handled for an individual, so there is no need to concern one about technical upkeep of one’s Weblog; instead, one can concentrate on his blog's appearance and content. In just minutes, after signing for an account, one can readily start his own blog.  Many such services are offered free, such as blogger.  TypePad charges a minimal amount for monthly service fee. 


When one has Web hosting on hand, or is eager to buy hosting, in which one feesl that the advantage will prevail over the problems of keeping up your own blog connection and installation, then you may want to take into account a package that is self-hosted, which includes Movable Type, Textpattern and WordPress. 

Other hosting companies did construct the process of installation easier, permitting installation with just a click from a control panel that is browser-based. It is important that you check with a hosting company so you can view if this function is offered. Similar to hosted services, some self hosted packages are made available either for free or for a certain fee which is dependent on the type of package that you choose as well as the basis why you are using it. 


All You Need To Know About Blog Hosts

All You Need To Know About Blog Hosts

Apart from the chat rooms, instant messengers and electronic mails created for communication and dialogue beyond turf are the emerging innovations that help man build opportunities for interaction.  The need for a personalized and human face aspect of building online communities is slowly changing the technological landscape of the Internet.

Blogs / “weblogs” or blogging are the newest gift of Internet technology to people all over the world. These are updated posts, crop up entries or personalized life snippets, of mundane or bizarre in nature. For most, a “blog” is a personal, unedited, and authentic journal meant to be shared in an online community. Blog site is a place where bloggers can publish anything; his thoughts, feelings, photos, special events, experiences, comments on issues and so on. It is more of an online diary with videos, links, documents, newsletters and opinions on just about any topics you are interested.

Blogs are made to welcome the insights and opinions of all and therefore, should not be written to sound intimidating and too formal. This kind of blog is a sure way to put off the readers. In the basics of blogging, conversational tone would be more appropriate to reach the desired audience.

Blogging is all about individuals reaching out to other individuals. Having a blog has its own set of advantages:

? Freedom of Expression. If you want people to hear you out and give their own opinion, this is the best way to create a line of communication;
? Networking is at its best. Having a blog is a good platform for exchanging genuine ideas from consumers to you as marketer of a certain product. Sound opinion and point of view is better than just showing the price quote;
? Excellent advertising platform. Blogging is a new way to advertise products, a refreshing change from the traditional advertising outlets and it is cost-effective.
? Gauging public opinion on products and services. The key is nice and catchy titles with new ideas presented in your content. This is an assurance of quick and repeated responses from your readers.  Blogs is an excellent spot for the exchange of ideas between the seller and the consumer. Good for measuring public opinion regarding services and products, even political and business matters alike.
? Useful tool for internal communication. This will help your company to build a knowledge-based community of employees. Also good for harnessing employee relations and identifying human resource issues in advance.
? Other benefits like search engine optimization (SEO) will help your blogs to be seen often by as many people as you wish. This is very good exposure for your products and services.

Many blog hosting services are available on the Internet. But the basic question is which one of the services will be the best to start off your business blog program? Business people are usually clueless to recent technological innovations which would help them maximize their marketing potentials. For these beginners, it is best to study first the services offered by blog hosts. An ineffective business blogging program may damage marketing opportunities instead of enriching them.

A company may decide to do the following depending on its capacity and needs: 1) Host their own blog service, 2) Pay someone else to host the service, or 3) Setup a “blog aggregator page” and ask the employees to select their blog hosting services individually. There are paid and free services available for individuals.

For business blogs, they are required to have the latest blogging features; if not, this will prevent them from maximizing their marketing, public relations and SEO potentials.

Keep in mind that blogs should have the following basic essentials:

COMMENTS.  Welcoming comments provide opportunity for dialogue. In business blogs, they are a good customer feedback mechanism. This helps develop better customer relations based from loyalty and trust. Blogging is an innovative way to converse with your customers.
TRACKBACK. This helps in maximizing company and product exposure. Through this service, consumers can get back to you for more posts and updates without the difficulty of locating you. If your blog is popular in a specific online community chances are links going back to your blog site are everywhere online, other blog sites or even websites.
CATEGORIES AND TAGS. These both help in classifying blog searches for ease of navigation and on site search. Categories act as libraries because it classifies posts by subject matter such as business, distance learning, e-commerce, online auctions, etc. Tags, help in the classification, especially in the blog search engine Technorati. Possible customers and new clients locate blogs about certain topics of interest by just clicking the tags.
RSS FEED. Really Simple Syndication is the feed from your blog that is sent out over the internet, and collected through the various newsreaders and aggregators.

If your company is to establish a business blogging program, considerable options should be made available by the hosting companies shortlisted for the services. Free blog hosting services are popular but they are much appropriate for individual online journals. Paid blog hosting services offer unlimited packages best for your company’s needs. You may want to suggest checking out some blogs that use the host first, read and examine their layout and design. Another important thing to consider is a reliable technical support the host has.

After, choosing the blog host, a team should be ready to plan the design and structure of the blog: The team should:
? create a style that meets the needs of the audience;
? establish an open, credible tone;
? schedule weekly updating of blog - ideally, a few times a week;
? include weblinks of other website and blogs;
? blog post should be in the “first person;”
? focus on the business blog objective; and,
? maintain an honest, engaging conversational quality.

Remember, whatever the look, style and content found on your blog is a reflection of you and your company.



Wednesday 24 October 2012

MMC : Pengambilan November 2012 / November Intake 2012

Hurry GETS Study at MMC

                                                I support U !!!

MMC : Pengambilan November 2012 / November Intake 2012

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Samsung GALAXY Note II

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Samsung GALAXY Note II

Bring your inspirations and ideas to life with the ultimate creative tool.
Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
5.55" HD Super AMOLED display
S Pen Stylus
1.6 GHz quad-core processor
8MP Camera

I bet everyone is guilty for at least ONE of these at work!

I bet everyone is guilty for at least ONE of these at work!

Check out the things people do at work in order to stay alert! Are you doing any of these?

Sunday 21 October 2012

Ultimate Collection of Cookbooks on CD

Ultimate Collection of Cookbooks on CD
With Features Thousands of Delicious Tried and True Recipes

Dear Foodie, 
I have an amazing collection of cookbooks to share with you.This collection of cookbooks contains 20 recipe packed books all on one CD-Rom.  This CD will give you access to thousands and thousands of great recipes. 

Some Recipes Inside The Ultimate Cookbook Collection CD Include ...

A collection of amazing appetizer recipes and great party food.

Recipes Include:

Black Olive Aioli, Bruschetta, Chinese Potstickers, Chipotle Salsa, Fried Plantains, Grilled Zucchini, Mariachi Chicken, Mushroom & Red Pepper Crostini, Pizza Snacks, Sesame Pork Rolls, Spiced Pecans, Turkey Nachos and over 150 more recipes!

300 Chicken Recipes

An awesome collection of 300 tried and true chicken recipes..

300 Chicken Recipes
Recipes Include:
Chicken Wings, Chicken Salad, Chicken Pot Pie, Sweet & Sour Chicken, Fried Chicken, Marinated Chicken, Chicken Casserole and many more.

Tried & True Beef Recipes

This cookbook features a collection of some of the best recipes for all of you lovers of beef and steaks.
 Tried & True Beef Recipes
Recipes Include:
Sesame Steaks, Marinated Flank Steaks, Garlic Grilled Steaks, Sloppy Joe, Brisket and more.

Chili Cookbook

A collection of hundreds of chili recipes. Many of these recipes are competition grade recipes that have been time tested and fan favorites.

Chili Recipes

Recipes Include:
Capital Punishment Chili, Southern Style Chili, Prize Winning Chili, Green Chili, Turkey Chili, Tex-Mex Chili, and hundreds more variations.

The Complete Soup Cookbook

A complete collection of soups and chowders.
 Soup Cookbook
Recipes Include:
Split Pea Soup, Vegetable Soup, Corn Chowder, Pumpkin Soup, Mullagatawny Soup, Potato Soup, Hot & Sour Soup, Cabbage Soup, Borscht and many more soup recipes.

> Chinese Style Cooking
Dessert Recipes
Mexican Recipes
101 Deep Fryer Recipes (KFC)
The Ultimate Salad Recipe Collection

Lets click get Free PDF Copy.........

Tuesday 29 May 2012

TV Commercial of Ong Kim Huat from TM (Full)

From that TVC, you can see how Mr. Ong Kim Huat and his companions, Muthu and KakYa struggling to run their business and how the offerings from TM has helped them in achieving their business objectives. Watch more interesting and humorous scenes of Ong Kim Huat full story from our 3 minutes on ground sales & promotion video

Perkhidmatan TM 100

Bermula 1 Jun 2012, pelanggan yang menghubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan 100 TM akan melalui sistem Interactive Voice Response (IVR) akan menikmati pengalaman baru perkhidmatan layan-diri untuk pertanyaan produk, pengebilan dan melaporkan kerosakan teknikal.
Ciri  layan-diri ini bertujuan memudahkan lagi pelanggan berurusan dengan Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan 100 dan adalah sejajar dengan aspirasi TM tahun 2012 ini sebagai Tahun Pengalaman Pelanggan. Ia adalah khusus untuk melaporkan kerosakan Telefoni bagi Tiada Nada Dial dan Talian Bising. Pelanggan juga boleh menggunakan perkhidmatan ini untuk mengetahui Penyata Bil dan Ringkasan Panggilan secara layan-diri.
Perkhidmatan ini amat memudahkan pelanggan dan pelbagai faedah penggunaannya adalah seperti di bawah.
Faedah TM 100 Baru
Kini, para pelanggan boleh menikmati perkhidmatan layan-diri ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa perlu menunggu untuk bercakap dengan pegawai Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan 100. Kami ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para pelanggan kami yang dihargai atas sokongan yang berterusan terhadap produk dan perkhidmatan TM.

Untuk pertanyaan lanjut, sila layari  www.tm.com.my.

Sumber: www.tm.com.my